
— Что такое «ту-ти-ту-ту-ту»?

— Это два новых русских заказывают чай в 222-й номер.

Анекдот из 90-х

One person in To

Have only one address in the To field of your emails. 

Other people go in Cc.

If you have two or more persons in the To it is not clear who should respond.

Fill the To field right before sending.

English spelling for names

All person names in work contacts in Gmail and Chat must be in English. Why?

When Gmail uses Cyrillic names from your contact list, they may accidentally be sent to clients who use Latin letters. Most likely your recipients won't be able to read it.

Avoid accidental sending

Fill the To field right before sending.

Delete the recipient's address when replying. 

This is needed avoid accidental sending.

Things happen. You don't want to test the reliability of the Undo feature of Gmail, do you?