
Make it personal

It is easy to always use a standard email signature template. You can do it if you don't care about how people on the other end of the wire would read it.

Typing custom closing of the email doesn't take much time, but allows you to adjust it to the situation and this particular case of communication. 

Sometimes you need to thank a person for what s/he did for you, and then you write "Thank you". Sometime you use "Regards", or "Kind Regards", or "Sincerely". 

Your addressee would see and understand that you wrote it by hands, and it's not an auto-signature. And that would make your communication more human.

В качестве примера: мы не используем в письмах на русском языке сокращение «С ув.». Мы пишем полный текст.

Если у автора не нашлось время на набор слова «уважением», о каком уважении может идти речь?

Standard Signature

Please use the following format for your email signature.

<Given-Name> <Family-Name>

<Position> | <Group> | TeamDev

Phone: <Mobile-Phone>

<Email-ID> |

Hint: Create your signature in a text editor, and then copy-paste it to the Gmail settings.