Spatial Context

Where do we do it?

Spatial Context is the place where we communicate. In most cases in the software development business email is not the best place to do it. 

When we discuss user stories, issues, bugs, or other kinds of soft documents, we do it in the comments attached to that document.

If you intend to discuss a software thing, create a soft document in the corresponding system instead of a new email.

Saves time and energy of people

If the communication is right next to the discussed thing, it's much easier to catch up. 

For them: If it's in-place, people won't need to spend hours searching their email boxes trying to understand what's going on and what has been already agreed. 

For you: It would be much easier to add people to a piece of work, when you need more help.

Consider sending intro. email

Once you created a soft document and it needs attention from a client, consider sending a very short email inviting to participate in the discussion.

The text may consider brief explanation behind the reasons of creating the document.

Please do not forget to give a link to the document in your email. We are all interested in moving on faster.

Be patient

There is no need in a special ceremony about soft documents between developers in your team or inside TeamDev. We know the drill.

After some time you won't need to send intro emails to the client either. You'll notice that moment when people start acting on your documents without special invitations.

Until then please be patient. Learning new things and following them takes time.

Where are these wonderful places?

These are just few examples of services to be used instead of email:

Processing priority

If the communication takes place inside TeamDev we assume that emails are usually processed before other places. We try to “eat the frogs” first.

If you're still sure email is the best thing to do, let's see whom to send it.